Excellent Washing-off agent with excellent anti-back staining properties


  • Excellent remover of unfixed colors in post dyeing or printing operation.
  • Stable for reactive or disperse colors having anti re-depositing action on both type of dyes.
  • Gives brighter dyeing or prints with improved wet fastness.
  • Useful as an anti-tinting agent in garment processing.
  • Good affinity for dyes.
  • Possesses excellent soaping properties.
  • Excellent ecological profile.
Constitution Synergetic blends of special various alkylaryl polyglycol ether
Appearance Pale Yellow Liquid
Ionic Nature Non – ionic
Solubility Miscible with cold water
pH of 1%Soln.  Neutral
Compatibility Compatible with nonionic, anionic & cationic chemicals, mild oxidants &   reducing agents


  • FIBROWET PNC has excellent stripping action on UNFIXED disperse & reactive dyes and hence is a superior soaping agent for the dyes & printed materials. Due to its effectiveness over wide range of pH, it can be used even in slightly acidic pH. It maintains high dispersing power over wide range of pH and temperatures.
  • It can be used as partial stripping agent for correction of dyeing before final fixation. As it has practically no cloud point at operating temperatures, it is suitable for package dyeing operations. Due to its affinity for dyes it expeditiously removes unfixed colour and hence acts highly effective soaping agents in post dyeing and printing operations.
  • Soaping of Disperse dyeing in normal soaping or reduction clearing bath use of 1 g/l of FIBROWET PNC is very useful.
  • Soaping of disperse based prints. After appropriate fixation treatment goods are to be rinsed in cold to remove gum films etc. followed by soaping in 1 to 2 g / l of FIBROWET PNC &1 to 2 g /l. soda ash at 60-70”C in batch wise operations.
  • Soaping of reactive prints or top dyed fabrics use of FIBROWET PNC at pH 5.0 to 5.5 will minimize staining of white grounds. This results in brighter dyeing or prints. Reactive dyeing on soaping with FIBROWET PNC show better wet fastness proportion.
  • In package dyeing final soaping with FIBROWET PNC 1-2 g / l will immensely improve wet fastness properties of goods. Due to its superior dispersing action there is no filtration effect in packages and hence practically has no surface deposits.
  • During enzyme treatments of Denims or other garments etc. the colour bleeding into treatment bath tends to stain undyed parts like linings, pockets etc Use of 1-2 g / l. FIBROWET PNC in enzyme baths helps to prevent redeposition of colours from bath on garments, improving their appearance.
  • In continuous soapers, conventional or modern once FIBROWET PNC is equally eminently suitable, in place of ordinary soaping agents, which are basically detergents developed for scouring operations. Due to its ability to keep the impurities in suspension, the gum, colors are easily removed giving very bright and fast prints.

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